Big Island Tech Service
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List of Services
Computer Repair Overview
Most problems with a malfunctioning Computer can be divided into two categories: Hardware or Software errors. Sometimes the root cause is obvious, other times it's not. Here are a few examples:
Types of Hardware Repairs
Broken or Cracked Screen
Malfunctioing Hard Drive
Keyboard damaged from a spill
Types of Software Repairs
System Infected with Virus or Malware/Spyware
Computer Turns on but Operating System Won't Load Successfully
A Specific Application Has Stopped Working Correctly
Solutions We Offer
For Hardware issues, we will diagnose the problem and check the cost of the replacement part and labor and discuss with you whether it's worth pursuing the repair. For simpler components such as keyboard, optical drive, hard drive, battery, etc. it may be worth fixing.
If it's not worth fixing, it's still possible we can pull all important files from the computer and put them on a flash drive, so you can have those important files on your new device.
For Software issues, we will attempt to restore the Operating System as close to the Last Good State unless you would prefer a "clean install" of your OS. Note: In the case of viruses and malware, it's often better to do a clean install.
Other Services We Offer
We are not limited to just the above services. We can really provide any IT Service and customize it to your needs. Here we'll list a few more services we provide.
Data Recovery
What can we do about Lost Data?
To be upfront, sometimes not all lost data can be recovered
It is important to stop using the device as soon as you've become aware of the data loss
If the loss is more software in nature, it may be possible to recover all or some of your files
Data loss due to hardware error such as the drive being physically damaged can be more difficult. There are a few things we can try here. If the data is very important, it may be possible to send drive to specialists to recover.
Webpage Design and Building
We can build you a Custom Personal or Business Website
Can be a simple one-page landing page to a multi-page blog/shop
For a large project, we can design a robust platform supporting large database, multiple users, etc.
Data Analysis
Data Analysis, or the study of sets of data in order to gain valuable insight to help improve future performance, is what has shaped our world over the past decade and made possible the "A.I. Revolution"
You may have heard about it, but are not sure how it can benefit your project or business, please reach out and we can help provide a solution
Perhaps you are interested but don't have the resources or size to warrant an "in-house" data analytics team, we can help.
Technical Consulting
Perhaps you're starting a new business and need consulting for your IT Needs
Security Concerns. While we are by no means "security experts", we can help get your security up to a standard baseline. And, more importantly, make your infrastructure more resilient, by ensuring your data is backed up and your system is compartmentalized.
General IT Theory. The world of Information is rocketing forwards and technological innovation is somehow still accelerating at an ever-increasing rate. We're well-versed in a lot of areas, schedule a session.