Big Island Tech Service
BTC : $81761.95
ETH : $1864.66
USDT : $1.00

Privacy Policy
Our Philosophy: We are opposed to mass data collection and will not participate in programs such as Google Analytics or Ad Networks
We are also in favor of each personal's right to privacy of not only themselves but also their data.
Here is the privacy policy between Big Island Tech Service and be referred to as "we") and a website visitor or user( may be referred to as "you").
We only use cookies for site functionality(i.e. webform) and serve no cookies for tracking purposes.
We will not share any information submitted to us on the contact form with a third party unless required to by legal order.
We have no specific interest in any personal, confidential, sensitive, or potentially incriminating information on your device and hope that you take steps to remove, encrypt, or hide it before submitting your device for repair.
While we will not intentionally go searching for that information, if we do see something indecent or criminal in nature we will refuse service and return your device. If the incident is of a nature where we are required to report to law enforcement, we will.